Current Students
This page is intended for current students who have been accepted to the MSc program and are part of the University of Potsdam student cohort.
Module catalog
We attempt to send out regular updates about upcoming (next semester’s) schedule and classes. A list of offered modules and classes is available via PULS. The current catalog and schedule (WS 2022/23) is available as PDF.
As a student of the MSc RSIV program you can only choose modules and obtain credits for modules listed in the course catalog. These are also listed in the study and examination regulations. You can choose other classes and modules, but will not be able to obtain credits for them.
A detailed list of modules and their descriptions (unfortunately only in German!) is available here and as PDF. These information can also be accessed as non-University students.
Study and Examination Regulations
The study and examination regulations are summarized in the translated PDF document. All official documents are available at the Faculty of Science webpage from the University of Potsdam and the study and examination regulations. Note that only the German documents are legally binding.
You should consult these regulations and as a student of the MSc RSIV program you must be familiar with these.
Transcript and Grading
Modules listed on transcript
Please note that all classes that you sign up for on PULS will be listed on your academic transcript - even if they are not completed. However, on the final transcript that you receive with your degree, these courses will not be listed. Only the completed courses are listed on the transcript that you receive with your degree.
Please note that many modules have homework assocatied with them (called PNL: Prüfungsnebenleistungen). These need to be completed before you can participate in a module. If you have to retake a class (because the PNL were not passed), you first need to fail there. You can retake the PNL as many times as you like - this is not a final exam (that you can only retake once).
An internship can be used for credit points during your MSc degree. Each student can undertake up to two internships of ~180 hours each (6 CP, 3-4 weeks full time, or longer part-time). An internship is not required to graduate from the RSIV program, but can be helpful for advanced candidates to develop research towards a thesis project.
A partial list of past internships is available here.
Internship Requirements
Internships must be pre-approved before credits can be given – not all internships qualify for credit points, and this should be confirmed before the internship. Students can apply for an internship with this form. The form with all signatures must be submitted to the examination committee of the MSc RSIV (email Bodo Bookhagen). Important consideration: One of the advisors must be from the Institute of Geosciences, as this is a module that gives credit points. To fulfill the academic internship requirements and receive credits, the student will need to submit a report (10-12 pages) and give a 10-minute presentation about their internship work.
MSc Thesis
A master’s thesis is an original scientific work that is written for the completion of a master’s program. It shows that the candidate can conduct independent scientific work, aided by supervision from one or more advisors. For more information on thesis requirements, please see the official UP information here.
Steps for Finding a MSc Thesis Topic
There are different ways to identify your thesis topic. Usually, you talk to a researcher or lecturer during or after a class you have enjoyed and where you have excelled. Some instructors offer thesis topics during their classes, especially as continuations of final class projects. It is also often possible to start a thesis with an introductory research internship – either with an instructor at UP or externally at another research institution or company.
It is important to emphasize that the candidate (and only the candidate) is responsible for finding a MSc thesis topic – students must take responsibility for designing their own final thesis project. One of the advisors of the MSc thesis must be a member of the Institute of Geosciences at the University of Potsdam.
To get an idea for thesis topics, we list some past topics here. Most of them have been developed over several weeks of discussion between the thesis advisor(s) and the candidate or during a research internship. Additional past theses in the Earth Surface Processes Group are shown here.
Researchers and instructors in the RSIV program also have a loose list of topics that we like to work on - please contact the listed advisor for additional information.