MSc Remote Sensing, geoInformation, and Visualization

The Remote Sensing, geoInformation and Visualization (RSIV) program at the Universität Potsdam is a four-semester Master of Science degree founded in 2016 with the goal of building the next generation of geo-data scientists. Students in our program are trained to use a wide range of remote sensing tools and techniques to answer pressing geo-scientific and environmental questions across the globe. As the volume and diversity of environmental data continues to increase exponentially, we maintain a strong focus on data-driven tools and techniques – particularly programming and statistical analysis – applied to the management and exploitation of large airborne- and satellite-data archives. The program emphasizes developing quantitative understanding of Earth-System Science processes through geoscientific- and methodologic-based research questions in the form of student projects, internships, and MSc theses.

The program relies on support from research institutions in the Potsdam and Berlin area where several instructors hold joint appointments with the Institute of Geosciences. These are the Alfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI) Potsdam, the Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam, the DLR Institute of Planetary Research, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The RSIV is the largest MSc program across the Geo- and Environmental Sciences at the Universität Potsdam.

Theoretical and practical coursework is coupled with optional research internships, as well as a final capstone thesis project. We maintain contacts with industry, research institutions, and NGOs in and around Berlin, but are always open to new collaborations. If you would like more information on collaborative internship projects, please see here – we also maintain a list of past MSc theses.

Information for current students about curriculum, examinations, internships, and theses can be found here.