
The MSc Remote Sensing program requires 5 mandatory modules with 6 CP (Credit Points) each for a total of 30 CP and 10 modules from electives (total of 60 CP). The MSc thesis is an additional 30 CP. Each CP is equivalent to 30 hours. You can expect that a class with 30 CP requires 180h of time commitment, including lectures, homework, and self-study. There is a maximum of 5 classes that you can take during one semester (5 x 180h is the equivalent of 40h work per week). In other words, if you attend 5 modules in one semester, you are expected to fully dedicate your time to these modules.

List of mandatory modules (each 6 CP)

Mandatory modules (RCM) Short Description
Remote Sensing of the Environment Physical principles of remote sensing, including concepts of optical, radar, microwave, lidar, and multispectral remote-sensing. Remote sensing applications for identifying processes in the atmosphere, on the Earth’s surface, including the canopy layer, and solid-earth deformation using ground based, airborne (including UAV), and satellite observations.
Earth System Science Transport processes in the atmosphere, on the Earth’s surface (geomorphology), in the Critical Zone, and in the solid Earth.
Data Analysis and Statistics Quantitative Analysis of earth-science data using a computative environment (e.g., Python or Matlab). Basic and advanced concepts of time series and image analysis, including filtering and interpolation.
Geoinformation Systems Spatial analysis of geoscientific datasets using a GIS framework.
Visualization and Communication The module syllabus includes literature and data research, identifying scientific and controversial material, drafting a data analysis project, using modern visualization techniques, and presentation techniques for an expert or lay audience as well as decision-makers. This module consists of a weekly seminar with invited lecturers from the earth and environmental sciences.

List of elective modules (each 6 CP, choose a total of 60 CP)

You will need to chose at least one module from each group.

Elective Group Individual Modules
Remote Sensing Methods (RSM) Optical Remote Sensing
Terrestrial and Airborne Lidar and Photogrammetry Systems
Earth Surface Deformation and Radar Satellite Interferometry (InSAR)
Advanced Topics of Remote Sensing
Objects of Observation (OBS) Soilscape Processes
Erosion and Earth surface dynamics
Biosphere of the Earth
Remote Sensing and Permafrost Regions
Earthquake and Volcano deformation
Coastal Dynamics
Planetary Remote Sensing
Planetary Physics
Atmospheric Science in the Anthropocene
Advanced Topics of Objects of Observation
Data Analysis and Programming (DAP) Bayesian Inference and Data Assimilation
Nonlinear Data Analysis Concepts
Big Data Analytics
Spatial Data Analysis with Numerical Methods
Advanced Topics of Data Analysis and Programming
Earth Surface Process Modelling
Geoinformation Systems and Applications (GIS) Analysis of Digital Elevation Models
Mapping and Geoinformation Systems Environmental
Spatial Statistics and Models
Advanced Topics Geoinformation System Applications
Visualization and Communication Methods (VCM) Examples of Visualization and Communication Methods
Industry Internship or Practical Application
Extended Industry Internship or Practical Application
Advanced Topics of Visualization and Communication Methods