Looking for a thesis?

There are several open theses topics that interested students can work on. Please contact Bodo Bookhagen if you would like to pursue this.

List of advised MSc thesis in reversed chronological order


  • MSc RSIV: MSc Remote Sensing, geoInformation, and Visualization
  • IoG: Institute of Geoscience
  • IoEES: Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Title Department and Degree Additional information and PDF link (if available)  
Point Clouds from multi-camera setup: Application in the Geosciences IoG, MSc RSIV    
Identify the animal pathways using a convolutional neural network IoG, MSc RSIV    
Use of spaceborne lidar and radar data to analyze the vegetation cover in the Namibian Savannah IoG, MSc RSIV    
Flood Mapping Using Synthetic Apterture Radar Data and Deep Learning IoG, MSc RSIV    
Potential of Sentinel-1 time series for the assessment of maize and wheat phenology IoG, MSc RSIV    
Assessing the capabilities of Sentinel-2 time series for the monitoring of urban tree vitality IoG, MSc RSIV    
The Application of UAV and Satellite Data to Map Palaeontological Sample Sites IoG, MSc RSIV    
Training Data Sensitivity Analysis for Multispectral LiDAR Data for Land Use/ Land Cover (LULC) Classifications of Varying Complexity IoG, MSc RSIV    
Emission of Greenhouse Gases And Air Pollutants From Forest Fires in Nepal During 2001-2020 IoG, MSc RSIV    
Quantifying landscape-evolution rates across the Argentinean Puna Plateau using geochemical methods IoG, MSc Geoscience    
Slow-moving landslide detection in the western Himalaya using Sentinel-1 radar time series IoG, MSc RSIV    
Reconstructing ground surfaces from full waveform Lidar data IoG, MSc RSIV    
Canopy height estimation of the Namibian Savanna Forest with ICESat-2 and GEDI missions IoG, MSc RSIV    
Exploiting high-resolution InSAR Rate Maps to the Fullest: Fault Slip, Landslides and Groundwater Changes in Northeastern Afghanistan IoG, MSc RSIV    
Tree detection and tree species identification from dense LiDAR point cloud for Sanssouci Park in Potsdam, Germany IoESG, MSc Geoecology    
Spatial Modeling of Mini-Grid Solar Systems For Health Facilities and Surrounding Communities In Ghana IoG, MSc RSIV    
Settlement and urban area detection from medium resolution satellite imagery IoG, MSc RSIV    
Detection and analysis of flooding areas by using Sentinal-1 data in a part of the lower Chao-phraya river basin (Thailand) IoG, MSc RSIV    
Namibian rangelands in transition: A large-scale dynamic savanna vegetation model Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, MSc Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation    
Dating glacial moraines on the volcanic Complex Quevar in NW Argentina using the cosmogenic nuclides 26Al, 10Be, and 21Ne IoG, MSc Geoscience    
Theoretical Potential of Former, Present, and Hypothetical Optical Spaceborne Sensors for the Differentiation of Plastics Using Hyperspectral Analyses IoG, MSc RSIV    
Resting site selection of female springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) in a predator rich savanna landscape: insights from GPS tracking and remote sensing data Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, MSc Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation    
The Sixth Sense of White Storks - Towards an E2E Service for Locust Threat Alarms IoG, MSc RSIV    
Applications of pointcloud and full-waveform Lidar data for object detection IoG, MSc RSIV    
Eine Zeitreihenanalyse der Vegetationsänderung in den Anden von 1998 bis 2014 IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Generating high-resolution DEMs from tri-stereo satellite imagery: A geomorphologic case study in the Quebrada del Toro, NW Argentina IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften PDF of MSc thesis  
Near-real time detection of lake ice using Sentinel-1 data IoG, MSc RSIV PDF of MSc thesis  
Die Ermittlung von Genauigkeiten und Anwendungsszenarios für fernerkundlich erhobene Punktwolken am Beispiel des Campus Golm IoEES, MSc Geowissenschaften    
Terrestrial lidar scanning and point cloud classification of the „Neues Palais“, University of Potsdam IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    
Webbasierte multitemporale Klimavisualisierung am Beispiel von Niederschlag im Raum Berlin-Brandenburg IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Klassifikation der Seen auf dem Hochland von Tibet mittels Google Earth Engine IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Ground Deformation Monitoring in Mining Areas on the Central Andean Plateau (Puna, Argentina) Using Sentinel-1 Data Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, TU Berlin    
Mapping bedfast and floating thermokarst lake ice and determining lake depth using Sentinel 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing on the west shore of Hudson Bay, Canada and Prudhoe Bay, Alaska IoEES, MSc Geoökologie    
Derivation of Biophysical Metrics for NE-Siberian Biomes using UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften MSc thesis published in remote sensing  
Untersuchungen der organischen Kohlenstoffspezies im Grundwasser des Wasserwerks Potsdam-Rehbrücke in Bezug zu den geologischen, technischen und klimatischen Rahmenbedingungen IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    
Quality assessment of structure from motion point clouds from river pebbles IoEES, MSc Geoökologie    
Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Visualisierungskonzeptes für ein webbasiertes Campus-Navigationssystem für mobile Endgeräte IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Kartierung von Bergstürzen und Massenbewegungen in den Nordwestargentinischen Anden mit SAR Kohärenzmessungen IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    
Die Verknüpfung von Fußgängerdistanzen und Distanzen des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs als Optimierung von lagebezogenen Immobilienbewertungen IoG, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Evaluating groundwater sustainability of mining activities in the Niger basin IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    
Dome growth during the 2016-2017 eruption sequence at Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka, measured by high-resolution TerraSAR-X and photogrammetric data IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    
Developing Open Source and Cross-Plattform Offline Maps on iOS and Android Devices IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Impact of autonomous driving on the structure of logistic networks: A model-based spatial analysis IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors of lake size variability since 1985, Central Andean Plateau, South America IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften PDF of MSc thesis  
Precision and Accuracy Assessment of glacier elevation changes from TanDEM-X data for the Batura glacier, Karakoram Himalaya IoG, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
OpenStreetMap als Grundlage für eine (semi-) automatisierte Generierung von Trainingsgebieten bei der Klassifizierung von Fernerkundungsdaten IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
From weather to climate: constraints for ecological models in Southern Africa Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, MSc Biology    
Teilautomatisierte urbane Gebäudeinventur mittels Fernerkundungsmethoden IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der objektbasierten Bildanalyse historischer panchromatischer Luftbilder am Beispiel der Abgrenzung urbaner Flächen in Potsdam IoEES, MSc Geoinformation und Visualisierung    
Locality-based Clustering of Large Complex Networks for Climate Studies Hasso Plattner Institut, University of Potsdam    
Migrationsanalyse des Untergrundes mittels zweidimensionaler Kreuzkorrelation der Catamarca-Provinz in NW Argentinien, basierend auf zeitlich varianten Daten differenter Fernerkundungssysteme IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    
Along strike variation of active fault arrays and their effect on landscape morphology in the northwestern Himalaya IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften MSc thesis published in Lithosphere  
Landscape response to alternating wet and dry seasons observed by remotely sensed data in the Chew Bahir basin, Ethiopia IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    
A glacial chronology and cosmogenic nuclide cross-calibration from the central southern Andean Plateau (Puna, 24S) IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften MSc thesis published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters  
Validation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) & Derived Geomorphic Metrics on the Southern Central Andean Plateau IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften PDF of MSc thesis MSc thesis published in Earth Surface Dynamics  
Untersuchungen der Flussbreite mittels hochauflösender Satelliten- und Luftbilder und Implikationen für die Geologie und Tektonik der NW Argentinischen Anden (Salta Provinz) IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    
Kartierung der Gletscherflächen, Schneelinien und Permafrostgebiete in den Zentralanden über die letzten 30 Jahre mittels fernerkundlicher Methoden IoG, MSc Geowissenschaften    

List of advised BSc thesis in reversed chronological order

Title Department and Degree    
Topography of the Jasmund Cliff coast (Ruegen) - a quantitative analysis IoG, BSc Geowissenschaften    
Sediment-grain size changes along the Quebrada del Toro River in NW Argentina IoG, BSc Geowissenschaften    
Veränderungen in der Landbedeckung der Mu Us Wüste IoEES, BSc Geoökologie    
Fernerkundliche Erfassung von Gewässerqualität in Brandenburg mit Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS und Sentinel-2 MSI Sensoren IoEES, BSc Geoökologie    
Detektierung und Kartierung von Methanquellen in eisbedeckten Seen mittels hochauflösender Fernerkundung IoG, BSc Geowissenschaften    
Classification and spectral unmixing of remote sensing data for the Batura Glacier, Karakoram IoG, BSc Geowissenschaften    
Bestimmung der Flussaufschotterung in Nord/West-Argentinien mittels digitaler Geländemodelle IoG, BSc Geowissenschaften    
Deciphering seasonal vegetation gradients along a topographic transect in NW Argentina IoEES, BSc Geoökologie    
Remote Sensing Based Classification of Geologic Units oft he Puna Plateau in NW Argentina IoG, BSc Geowissenschaften    
Analyzing Cosmogenic Nuclides for Surface Dating and Determination of Geomorphological Process Rates IoG, BSc Geowissenschaften