PhD Students
Sofia Viotto
DEM, InSAR, Satellite Photogrammetry
Valentina Armeni
Vulcanology, UAV, Airphoto Photogrammetry
Anna Rosner
Cosmogenic Radionuclides
Mohammad Mohseni Aref
Radar Interferometry (InSAR), GNSS
Max Hess
Point Clouds Classification, Complex Networks, Spatial Analysis
MSc Students
Luis Kremer
Terrestrial Lidar (TLS) and Point Cloud segmentation
Man TuenChan
Machine Learning, UNET, Stereo Cameras
Juan Sebastian Valencia Velasquez
DEM differencing, Andes
David Hersh
Terrestrial Lidar (TLS) and Vegetation detection
Safa Khan
Airborne Lidar data, UAV acquisition, and point-cloud classification
Past Members
- Dr. Manudeo Singh (now Newton fellow at Aberystwyth University, UK)
- Dr. Carlos Peña (now at University of RU Bochum)
- Dr. Stefanie Tofelde (now at FU Berlin)
- Dr. Nikolaos Antonoglou (now at German Aerospace Center, DLR)
- Julia Artel (now chemist at private company in Berlin)
- Dr. Sohini Bhattacharjee (now researcher at University of Kiel)
- Dr. Ben Purinton (now at the University of Chicago and independent researcher)
- Dr. Dominik Traxl (now researcher at PIK)
- Dr. Stephanie Olen (now editor at nature sustainability)
- Dr. Fabiana Castino (now at DWD - Deutscher Wetterdienst)
- Dr. Ramezani Ziarani (now researcher at KIT)
- Dr. Fiona Clubb (now Asst. Professor at Durham University)
- Dr. Frank Günther (now independent researcher)
- Dr. Konstanze Stübner (now at HZDR Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Dr. Bedartha Goswami (now Asst. Professor at University of Tuebingen)
- Dr. Lucia Tyrallova (now coordinating international study programs at UP/FH Potsdam)
- Dr. Lisa Luna (now at USGS)
Past MSc Students
- Samuel Russell
- Bashini Mahaarachchi
- Franziska Boerner
- Fuad Yagublu