Road traffic reduction during the spring 2020 lockdown caused significant NO2 decrease.
The most presumed causes of decrease in observed air pollution are reduction in road traffic and people staying at home due to the imposed travel bans. In this analysis, changes of NO2 and CO emissions are compared against the three variables:
- The average population in Europe;
- Road density in Europe;
- Vessel routes density in the Mediterranean Sea and the black sea.
This research was supervised by Prof. Dr. Bodo Bookhagen and Dr. Taylor Smith.
Main air pollutants and their sources in Europe
EEA’s Air Quality 2019 report illustrates the total emissions of pollutants in the EU-28, indexed as a percentage of their value in the reference year 2000. This report further gives an overview of each sector’s contribution to total emissions for all chosen pollutants in the EU-28, for 2017.

The contributions from different emission source sectors to air pollutant concentrations and air pollution impacts depend not only on the amount of pollutants emitted, but also on the proximity to the source, emission/dispersion conditions and other factors such as topography. Emission sectors with low emission heights, such as traffic and household emissions, generally make larger contributions to surface concentrations and health impacts in urban areas than emissions from high stacks.
Processing candidate variables
Population Density

OpenStreetMap Europe data was used to extract the road network of Europe. First, the “.pbf” file was split into sub-parts using OSM converter, with the option; using a border-box to limit the geographical region. Then the linestring geometries of the split files were filtered and the “.pbf” file was converted to a GeoJSON using GDAL.
#UK is the name of a single .pbf file that was split before and 'lines' at the end instructs GDAL to extract only the line geometries from the file.
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON UK.json UK.pbf lines
Then these datasets were merged in Python, in a way that the final dataset doesn’t have duplicated roads because of the clipping boundaries considered. Each distinctive road is identified by a unique ‘Osm id’.

Next, the road densities and the vessel densities of geolocation points used to create the pollutant gas maps and population maps were calculated. The number of roads passing through a 7 km radius from each of these points was calculated using Rtree spatial joins and spatial index, in python.
#Defining radius as 7 km (7km ≈ 0.06306°).
Radius = 0.063063
#Adding this buffer to all geolocation points (grided points)
grid_df['geometry'] = grid_df.geometry.buffer(Radius)
#Importing Geopands as gpd
import geopandas as gpd
#Taking the spatial joins of the two data frames created above (grid_df has point geometries as the geometry and roads_df has Linestring geometries as the geometry.)
grided_roads = gpd.sjoin(grid_df, roads_df, how='inner', op='intersects')
#Taking the sum of roads crossing the boundary of each buffered point.
roads_num_df = grided_roads.groupby('Point_ID').size().reset_index()

Processing air pollution variables
In this analysis, the time between 1st of March 2020 to 31st of April 2020 is the time where strict confinement policies were applied across Europe, and thus is considered as the ‘lock-down period’.
The following three variables are used to indicate the changes in NO2 and CO emissions. Data was preprocessed in Google Earth Engine (GEE) Code editor and further analysis was done with python:
- Average NO2 and CO emissions during Covid-19 in Europe.
- The slope of the time series change of NO2 and CO emissions during the lock-down period.
- Percentage change of NO2 and CO emissions during the lock-down period compared to the average values of the previous year in the same period.
The two videos below show the weekly average NO2 and CO emissions from 1st of January to 31st of July 2020. Areas with no data values are displayed in black colour. Codes used to create the videos can be found here [NO2, CO].


Assessing the relationships between the variables

Road density has the highest correlation with the pollutant gas variables. All three candidate variables have the highest correlation with the ‘Mean NO2 volume’ compared to other emission variables.‘Percentage change of NO2’ has the next highest correlation with all three candidate variables and they are negative because as expected the NO2 emissions are lower during the lock-down period than in the previous year. In places where there is a high traffic density or a high population density, reduced NO2 emission volumes are observed.‘Slope of NO2 volume’ has the next highest correlation with the candidate variables and these correlation statistics are negative. ‘Slope of NO2 volume’ and the three candidate variables together provide the best explanation for the reduction of NO2 emissions during the lock-down period because the slope (coefficient of linear time series trend of air pollutants) during the lock-down period is a measurement that shows how rapidly the emission volumes have dropped during the lock-down.
Time series analysis

Key takeaways
Road traffic reduction has been the primary cause of the decrease in NO2 emissions during the lock-down period in Europe.
The places that have higher decreases in NO2 volumes during the confinement period have higher road, vessel, and population densities.
Road, vessel, and population density data do not provide strong reasoning for the reduction in CO emissions due to several reasons:
CO is a highly dispersing gas, and therefore, it might not be a good approach to compare the geographical location of the sensed CO gas and its sources
People staying at home during lock-down could have created events that have both positive and negative effects on changes in CO emission levels.
It would add further insights to this analysis if the locations of the industries that contribute to a high level of NO2 and CO emissions in Europe could be checked against the changes in CO and NO2 emission levels in these locations during the lock-down period because 50% of the CO emissions and 8% of NO2 emissions are coming from commercial institutions.
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