Miniconda Environments Oct 2020

Update on Conda Install.

Installation on Linux

This is a Python 3.x code that will run on any OS, which supports the packages. It runs and has been tested on Linux (Ubuntu/Debian), Windows 10, and Mac OS X. We are using conda/miniconda to install the required packages, which can be downloaded here. Follow these instruction to get miniconda installed. In short:


Installing environments

It is useful to install different environments for different purposes. Here is a list of useful environments with different purposes: For some of these examples, you want to add:

conda config --prepend channels conda-forge/label/dev
conda config --prepend channels conda-forge

Or in order to reset the channel list

conda config --prepend channels defaults
What for? Conda commands
GMT 5 and Python Processing conda create -y -n gmt5 gmt=5* python=3* scipy pandas numpy matplotlib scikit-image gdal spyder imagemagick
GMT 6 and Python Processing conda create -y -n gmt6 gmt=6* python=3* scipy pandas numpy matplotlib scikit-image gdal spyder imagemagick
PointCloud Processing Python 3.8 conda create -y -n PC_py3 -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c defaults ipython spyder python=3.8 gdal=3 numpy scipy dask h5py pandas pytables hdf5 cython matplotlib tabulate scikit-learn pykdtree pyflann cyflann scikit-image opencv ipywidgets scikit-learn gmt=6* imagemagick
Activate the environment conda activate PC_py3
and install laspy with pip install laspy and tables pip install tables
PointCloud Processing Python 3.6 conda create -y -n PC_py36 -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c defaults python=3.6 pip scipy pandas numpy matplotlib scikit-image gdal pdal xarray packaging ipython multiprocess h5py lastools pykdtree spyder gmt=6* imagemagick
Activate the environment conda activate PC_py36
and install laspy with pip install laspy and tables pip install tables
DEM processing Python 3.8 conda create -y -n DEM_py3 -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c defaults python=3.8 pip scipy pandas numpy matplotlib scikit-image gdal=3 ipython spyder statsmodels jupyter pyproj gmt=6*
Activate the environment conda activate DEM_py3
and install additional packages with conda install -y -c conda-forge richdem landlab
CUDA 10.2 PointCloud Processing conda create -y -n PC_cudf -c rapidsai-nightly -c nvidia -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c defaults ipython spyder python=3.8 rapids=0.16 cudatoolkit=10.2 cuspatial gdal=3 numpy scipy dask h5py pandas pytables hdf5 cython matplotlib tabulate scikit-learn pyflann cyflann scikit-image opencv ipywidgets scikit-learn laszip liblas
Activate the environment conda activate PC_cudf
and install additional packages with pip install laspy and tables pip install tables
CUDA 11.0 PointCloud Processing conda create -y -n PC_cudf -c rapidsai-nightly -c nvidia -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c defaults ipython spyder python=3.8 rapids=0.16 cudatoolkit=11.0 cuspatial gdal=3 numpy scipy dask h5py pandas pytables hdf5 cython matplotlib tabulate scikit-learn pyflann cyflann scikit-image opencv ipywidgets scikit-learn laszip liblas
Activate the environment conda activate PC_cudf
and install additional packages with pip install laspy and tables pip install tables